Advisory Service

Evaluating a client/company’s investment portfolio and determining the ideal ownership balance. Monitoring and evaluating the investment performance. General advice on ownership matters and alternative investment opportunities.


Asset Management Services

Property sourcing and Facilitation

Independent advice on buying and selling.
Sourcing the ideal property opportunities according to client’s needs.
Monitoring & Supervising of transfer process.

Owners representation services

Representation on bodies corporate & Home Owners associations.
Representation on Ratepayer Associations.
Representative for all council related matters.

Property development & enhancement of property rights

Evaluating potential and doing proposals.
Driving rezoning process and enhance property rights.
Selecting & appointing property professionals.
Project and development management.
Advice on opening of sectional title registers.
Application for liquor licenses.

Income targets, yields & leases

Quarterly review of income on properties.
Advice on leases.


Review annual insurance & assistance with claims.

Environmental matters

Ensure that green policies in place.
Advice on new water & electricity saving measures.

Facilities & maintenance

Ensure that annual condition surveys done per property.
Review the preventative maintenance plans.


Financial Services

Assist with

Legal ownership structures – local and offshore. Reserve Bank applications. Tax and value-added services. Raising of finance.


Administration and Financial Management

Treasury management. Accounting. Financial reporting. Auditing and submissions (tax and secretarial) management.


Custodian and Owners Representation

Our aim is to ensure that the investor’s objectives are being met and aligned with the objectives of the hospitality or property management company to ensure sustainability. We will act as facilitator or ‘professional go-between’ between the property investor and the management company.

Stewardship of companies and ventures which could include directorship and trust appointments.


Introduction of Innovative Hospitality Management Systems

Systems include our hospitality platform models where multiple commercial participants share host and operational functions at an establishment.

Creating commercially driven management companies in order to align suite owners’ collective interest in sectional title hotels.

Systems to move from a hotel rental pool model to an individual participation model.


Special Projects

Projects could include
Support corporate ventures from concept to start up
Strategic Executive Remuneration Structures